RPC Protocol Triple&Dubbo Benchmark

  • The Dubbo protocol implementation of Dubbo3 is basically the same as the Dubbo2 version in terms of performance.
  • Since the Triple protocol itself is built based on HTTP/2, the RPC call on a single link is not improved compared with TCP-based Dubbo2, but has a certain decline in some call scenarios. But the greater advantage of the _Triple protocol _ lies in the gateway penetration, versatility, and overall throughput improvement brought about by the Stream communication model.
  • Triple is expected to have better performance in the gateway proxy scenario. In view of the current stress testing environment, this round of benchmarks has not yet been provided.

1.1 Environment

| | Description | | ———— | ———————————— ———————— | | Machine | 4C8G Linux JDK 1.8 (Provider) 4C8G Linux JDK 1.8 (Consumer) | | Pressure test case | RPC method types include: no parameters and no return value, normal pojo return value, pojo list return value

2.7 version Dubbo protocol (Hessian2 serialization)
Version 3.0 Dubbo protocol (Hessian2 serialization)
3.0 version Dubbo protocol (Protobuf serialization)
3.0 version Triple protocol (Protobuf serialization)
3.0 version Triple protocol (Protobuf sets Hessian2 serialization) | | Pressure test method | In a single-link scenario, the consumer starts 32 concurrent threads (the current machine configuration qps rt has a more balanced number of concurrency), and collects the pressure test data after continuous pressure
The pressure test data passes https: //github.com/apache/dubbo-benchmark Get |

1.2 Data Analysis

| | Dubbo + Hessian2
| Dubbo + Hessian2
| Dubbo + Protobuf
| Triple + Protobuf
| Triple + Protobuf(Hessian)
| | —————— | —————————– | —————————– | ——————– ——— | —————————— | ——— ——————————— | | No parameter method | 30333 ops/s
2.5ms P99 | 30414 ops/s
2.4ms P99 | 24123 ops/s
3.2ms P99 | 7016 ops/s< br />8.7ms P99 | 6635 ops/s
9.1ms P99 | | pojo return value | 8984 ops/s
6.1 ms P99 | 12279 ops/s
5.7 ms P99 | 21479 ops/s
3.0 ms P99 | 6255 ops/s< br />8.9 ms P99 | 6491 ops/s
10 ms P99 | | pojo list return value | 1916 ops/s
34 ms P99 | 2037 ops/s
34 ms P99 | 12722 ops/s
7.7 ms P99 | 6920 ops/s
9.6 ms P99 | 2833 ops/s
27 ms P99 |

1.2.1 Comparison of different versions of Dubbo protocol


Figure 3 Comparison of implementations of the Dubbo protocol in different versions

  • As far as the default combination of Dubbo RPC + Hessian is concerned, the performance of Dubbo3 and Dubbo2 is basically the same in different calling scenarios

1.2.2 Dubbo protocol vs Triple protocol


Figure 4 Triple vs Dubbo

  • Simply looking at the point-to-point calls of Consumer <-> Provider, it can be seen that the Triple protocol itself is not dominant. Also using the Protobuf serialization method, the overall performance of the Dubbo RPC protocol is still better than Triple.

  • Triple implementation will continue to be optimized in version 3.0, but it cannot completely change the situation where “RPC protocol based on HTTP/2” is at a disadvantage compared to “RPC protocol based on TCP” in some scenarios

1.2.3 Supplementary gateway scenarios


1.2.4 Simulate the throughput improvement of the Stream communication scenario


Last modified January 2, 2023: Enhance en docs (#1798) (95a9f4f6c1)